Tuesday, August 7, 2012

This or That? Health and Fitness Style | Fitness and Frozen Grapes

I?m a fan of surveys?remember The Simple Things A-Z??so when I saw Courtney?s post, I knew I?d write this blog entry, too.

1. Run/workout in the heat and humidity or freezing temps and snow?

Central New York sees both relenting heat and foot upon foot of snow, and I?d rather battle the winter elements than summer?s humidity.? I?ll warm up a bit when I run in the cold, but there?s no cooling down when it?s hot.

2. Have washboard abs or flat abs?

Hmmm, I?m going with combo here.? Flat abs look great, but definition shows you worked for ?em!

3. Dr. Oz or The Doctors?

The Doctors.? Hello, Dr. Travis!


4. Cardio or strength?

Hmmm, toughie.? It depends on my mood, but I usually aim for five or six days of cardio each week and three strength training sessions.

5. Cravings: Protein or carbs?

Chocolate!? So carbs.

6. Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?

I?m a huge Jillian fan, but I?d rather have Bob as my personal trainer.

7. Frozen Yogurt or Ice Cream?

Fro-yo as long as it?s chocolate.? I?d go for chocolate ice cream over vanilla frozen yogurt, though.

8. To train: Upper body or Lower body?

I default to upper body; I love sculpted arms and shoulders.

9. Protein powder or food with protein?

Whole foods that pack protein are ideal, but I have been on a protein smoothie kick lately.

10. Lunges or squats?

Tough one.? During my basketball days, I was a squatting queen (I maxed out at 235 lbs.), but I actually haven?t squatted with weight since. (I sometimes do body-weight air squats.) So lunges by default.

11. Sweet or salty?

Chocolate!? So sweet.

12. Workout attire: cute or comfy?

I?m going to have to go with a combo answer here, too.? When cute and comfy collide, it?s a great thing.

13. Body Pump or heavy lifting?

Well, I?ve never taken Body Pump, but I don?t exactly lift heavy easier.? I?ll pass.

14. Yoga or Pilates?

Yoga, although I only practice when I?m in New York City; I love Yoga Vida.

15. Nike or Adidas?

Nike, hands-down.

16. Running on the treadmill or outdoors?

I absolutely hate the dreadmill treadmill.? Unless the weather?s unfavorable (thunderstorm, ungodly windchill, etc.) or if I have a tempo run, I?ll run outside.

17. Whole Foods or Trader Joe?s?

Since Wegmans isn?t an option, then Whole Foods.? When I studied abroad in London, Whole Foods Kensington had ?Thirsty Thursdays? where patrons paid five pounds and got to sample five appetizers and five wine pairings.? It was awesome!? Plus, I love the NYC Whole Foods stores, especially the Bowery location that included a shoutout to Geneva, NY.

18. Summer or Winter Olympics?

Based on my unrelenting Olympic fever, Summer Games.

20. Steamed veggies or roasted veggies?

Another combo answer:? When I?m cooking, I always steam veggies, but I love my mom?s roasted ones.

Your turn?share some of your answers!

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Source: http://fitnessandfrozengrapes.wordpress.com/2012/08/07/this-or-that-health-and-fitness-style/

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