Tuesday, May 15, 2012

?Ghostbusters? Bits: Video Tour of Ghostbusters? New York; Apple?s 1984 Parody Featuring Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak Cameos

Though much of what we loved in the ?80s fails to hold up today, Ghostbusters is one major exception. Filmgoers loved it in 1984 and they still love it today, as evidenced by the endless stream of parodies, homages, and references we get even now.

After the jump, watch two very different tributes to the horror-comedy classic. ?The Ghostbusters Tour of New York??is a recent video pilgrimage of familiar locations from the film that includes on-site re-enactions, while ?Blue Busters??is a 1984 parody from Apple Inc. that, yes, features appearances from a young Steve Jobs and a young Steve Wozniak.

We can argue all day long about which New York-set film is the most iconic, but for movie lovers of a certain generation, there?s no question that Ghostbusters belongs somewhere near the top of that list. So what better way for a newcomer to get acquainted with the city than by following the same path that Venkman & co. took? Bleeding Cool?s Patrick Willems?took a few his friends around town, hitting up all the spots they could find in chronological order.

[via Nerd Bastards]

The best part is, you can easily do it too, with the info that Willem provides. According to his own calculation, the total trip duration, including travel time and coffee, food, and bathroom breaks, comes out to about six hours, which is a totally doable way of enjoying a nice spring day in the city.

Or if you?re more of an indoor type, perhaps this 28-year-old sales conference video from Apple will be more up your alley. The tech company?s take on Ghostbusters goes after its competition, showing Apple employees ?busting? IBM computers from desktops. Company co-founders Wozniak and Jobs cameo at the 2:21 mark and the 3:00 and 4:04 marks, respectively.

[via Mashable]

Love it. Less of those current ads with the white backgrounds and indie tunes and more of these, please.

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